** EACH 2.3lb TUB CONTAINS APPROX 30 FULL SERVINGS (SCOOPS) AND 22g OF PROTEIN PER SCOOP **IMPORTANT NOTE: PRODUCT LABEL IS PRIMARILY SPANISH WITH ENGLISH. WHILE THE DIRECTIONS, WARNINGS, SUPPLEMENT FACTS, AND INGREDIENTS ARE IN SPANISH ONLY.Muscle Building Sustain Protein Powder. Unbelievable Taste Technology.Muscle Protein Synthesis. Easy-to-mix protein.åÊWhen it comes to proteins, there are a lot of options ÛÒ problem is most of them are over-hyped and under deliver. These over-hyped proteins mostly contains a lot of filers, flavors and sweeteners that have little to do with getting the protein you need to get the maximum benefit from your workout regimen. This is why Total Protein stands out from the crowd. It provides a generous amount of protein per serving, with great taste, and is the only one that comes with the endorsement of incomparable Jay Cutler himself.